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I've installed the formmail script, but my form isn't working. Why?
The Formmail Script is provided via the eXtend Control Panel, full usage instructions can be...
The Formmail Script is provided via the eXtend Control Panel, full usage instructions can be...
I've put up my site but I still see the standard index page. What's up?
When we create a hosting package, we place a simple index.html page into your hosting package....
When we create a hosting package, we place a simple index.html page into your hosting package....
My links are not working. What is wrong?
First of all, check that the link is correctly spelled, and that the correct case is used -...
First of all, check that the link is correctly spelled, and that the correct case is used -...
When I try and view my website I get an HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden message.
A '403 Forbidden' message means that the browser has requested a page that it is not permitted to...
A '403 Forbidden' message means that the browser has requested a page that it is not permitted to...
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